Book In A Year (BIAY)

At OCRW, we’ve seen shy new writers blossom into multi-published, award-winning romance novelists. How they got from A to Z was discipline, determination and deadlines with the supportive camaraderie that has characterized OCRW since 1981.

One of the ways we encourage one another is through Book In a Year (BIAY). It’s easy. You pick a project of 20,000 words or more that you’re actively writing or revising between September 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. When you complete your BIAY, it doesn’t even have to be edited. It can be a raw, first-draft chapter one to the end novella or full-length novel. It can also be something that you have been working on for a long time, but you’re committing to finish it for BIAY.

The only rules are that:

  • Your book cannot be under contract at the time you enter BIAY.
  • It must be 20,000 words or more when finished.
  • You must sign-up for BIAY (form online below).
  • You must have it finished (draft is okay) by September 30, 2023.
  • And fill out the BIAY Finished form online (below) prior to September 30, 2023.

Published and non-published OCRW members are welcome to join the challenge!

Why would I do this to myself?

Once you have a completed book, you’re that much closer to qualifying for PROSE II status, and publishing your work independently or through a publisher. A finished book is what separates the writers from the authors. When you have a hard deadline that you’re committed to, you’re developing the discipline and determination to achieve your dreams!

How do I do this?

It’s simple. Sign up using the form below, or at the next OCRW meeting, sign up. Your deadline is September 30, 2023.

When you complete your BIAY book, you complete the BIAY Finished form online. We will award all BIAY-ers a certificate for meeting the deadline. In the past, their names to win prizes at the OCRW Celebration of Romance on October 14, 2023. Stay tuned!

Make BIAY Work for You

When you sign up, share your participation on social media (hint use the hashtag #ocrw). Keep everyone updated on your progress. Blog about it, share photos of your writing time at the coffee shop and of course, show off your official certificate with pride. Everyone at OCRW will be cheering you on!


Book In A Year (BIAY) Sign-up
Member of OCRW?
Is your book under contract? It cannot be under contract at the time you enter BIAY.

Hit submit and you’re done for now. Start writing!

Finished with your BIAY? Enter your details below!

BIAY Finished!
Finished by September 30, 2022?
Member of OCRW?

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