2022 Orange Rose Rules & Guidelines

Orange Rose Contest for Emerging Writers Rules and Requirements

DEADLINE: April 30, 2022

  1. The Orange Rose Contest for Emerging Writers is limited to the first 150 Entries.
  2. The Contest opens February 1, 2022 and closes April 30, 2022 at midnight Pacific Time. If an entry is received after that time, it will be disqualified.
  3. Entry fee $25 for OCRW Members $35 for all other entrants. All fees are non-refundable.
  4. Entry fees received after April 30, 2022, will not be accepted. An email notification will be sent to individuals who miss the deadline.
  5. Fees may be paid through PayPal or mailed to OCRWs PO Box 1123, Brea CA 92822. (See Entry Form for PayPal Payment information.)
  6. The contest is open to any writer meeting the following criteria:
    • An unpublished author in fiction.
    • A published author who has two (2) or fewer self-published or traditionally published works that have NOT earned $1,000 or more on a single title.
    • No previously published work is eligible for submission.
  1. The entry must have a projected minimum length of 50,000 words or more for book-length fiction or a length between 15,000 and <50,000 words for novella fiction. 
  2. Any category that does not receive a minimum of five entries will be canceled. The manuscript will be placed in the writer’s second choice category. Categories are:
    • Contemporary Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Mainstream Fiction with a Central Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy/Futuristic Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Historical Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Romantic Suspense (50,000 words and over)
    • Erotic Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Inspirational Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Young Adult Romance (50,000 words and over)
    • Romance Novella (all genres, 15,000 to 50,000 words)
  1. ALL entries are electronic, and manuscript entries must be submitted as an attachment to the entry form. Manuscript entries (in addition to the online entry form and payment) shall consist of:
    • ONE document (.DOCX) that is a maximum of 35 pages, which includes the first chapters of the manuscript followed by a synopsis.
    • The combination can be 25 pages of manuscript and 10 pages of synopsis, or 30 pages of manuscript and 5 pages of synopsis, or any combination of manuscript and synopsis pages that does not exceed 35 pages in total. The manuscript will be disqualified if it exceeds 35 pages.
  1. Entries must be formatted as follows:
    • A readable document in .DOCX format
    • Double-spaced (including synopsis) – no extra spacing between paragraphs
    • Readable 12-pt font such as Bookman, Courier New, Arial, Times New Roman
    • One-inch margins on top, bottom, and both sides
    • Unjustified right margins
    • Header with the manuscript title on left, category and page number on the right
    • Do not put your name on your manuscript! If your name appears on the manuscript it will be disqualified.
  1. Enter as many different manuscripts as you wish, but each manuscript may only be entered in one category (with a second category selected in case of a category cancellation)
  2. Each separate entry must be accompanied by an official entry form submission and separate payment.


  • 13. First Round Judging:

    • Judging to be done on a point basis, with all manuscripts judged by two published authors. The two scores will be totaled to reach the final score.
    • First Round Finalists: First, Second and Third Place Finalists are chosen by their overall score in each category. A finalist’s manuscript must be among the top three scoring manuscripts in each category.
    • First Round Finalists will be announced at the OCRW August meeting.
    • You may review the scoring sheets that the judges will use to evaluate your entry. Download ORC Blank_Score Sheet Download

14. Final Round Judging:

  • The First Place/highest scoring manuscript in each category that receives a minimum of 85%of the possible points will be read by two to three acquiring editors and/or acquiring agents.
    Their scores will be totaled to determine Second through Fourth Place–the highest scoring manuscript will be awarded The Charlotte.
    The winner of The Charlotte, Second, Third and Fourth place winners and remaining final round finalists will be announced, and awards presented, at OCRW’s October meeting.


15. First Round:

  • First round finalists will be awarded a certificate at the OCRW August meeting.
  • Finalists not in attendance will be notified by phone or email and their certificate mailed.

16. Final Round:

  • Final Round Finalists will be awarded an Orange Rose Contest pin at the October OCRW Meeting.
  • Second, Third, and Fourth Place Finalist winners will receive an award.
  • The Charlotte will be presented to the writer of the highest scoring manuscript overall.
  • Finalists and winners not in attendance will be notified by phone or email and their awards mailed.

17. Failure to comply with any of the above rules will result in disqualification.

18. The OCRW Board of Directors will resolve any disputes that may arise; its decision will be final.

19. OCRW and the Orange Rose Contest for Emerging Writers cannot be held liable for any failure of the delivery of entries due to any electronic or Internet outage issues. It is the responsibility of the writer to ensure that she has received an entry confirmation.

Categories and Judging Guidelines

With the exception of Erotic Romance, all categories may have varying levels of sensuality. All novel categories are for works of 50,000 words or more. The Romance Novella is the only category that may be shorter at 15,000 to 50,000 words.

Contemporary Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts set from 1950 to the present that focus primarily on the romantic relationship.
Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Mainstream Fiction with a Central Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts in which the themes or elements other than the romance are integral to the story, even though a central love story and an emotionally satisfying and optimistic resolution to the romance, are still present. Can be any time period and must contain a strong romantic element, such that one or more romances form an integral part of the story’s structure.
Judging guidelines: Any kind of fiction, of any tone or style and set in any place or time, is eligible for this category. The romantic elements, while not the primary focus of the story, should be an integral and dynamic part of the plot or subplot. There should be a satisfactory resolution to the romantic elements. This category is intended for romances that do not fit neatly into any other category due to their mainstream fiction nature but where the central romance could not be removed without damaging the storyline.

Paranormal Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts in which time-travel, a fantasy world, or paranormal elements are an integral part of the plot. May be set in any time period.

Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript; a futuristic, fantasy or paranormal element is blended with the love story; and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Historical Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts set prior to 1950. This category cannot include any elements of the paranormal category including time travel.
Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Romantic Suspense
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts in which suspense, mystery, or thriller elements constitute an integral part of the plot. May be set in any time period.

Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript, a suspense/mystery/thriller plot is blended with the love story, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Erotic Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts in which strong, often explicit, sexual interaction is an inherent part of the story, character growth, and relationship development and could not be removed without damaging the storyline. These manuscripts may contain elements of other romance subgenres (such as paranormal, romantic suspense, etc.) and may be set in any time period.

Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript, scenes of explicit sexual interaction are blended with and form a significant part of the love story, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Inspirational Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts in which religious or spiritual beliefs (in the context of any religious or spiritual belief system) are an integral part of the plot. May be set in any time period.

Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript, religious or spiritual beliefs (in the context of any religious or spiritual belief system) are blended with and form a significant part of the love story, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Young Adult Romance
(50,000 words and up)
Manuscripts in which the young adult protagonist is typically between 14-18 years old and young adult life is an integral part of the plot. May include elements of other sub-genres (such as paranormal or romantic suspense) and any time period.

Judging guidelines: In this category, the love story is the main focus of the manuscript, the element of being a young adult is blended with the love story, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

Romance Novella
(15,000 to 50,000)
Novellas that focus primarily on the romantic relationship. May fall within any of the above categories.
Judging guidelines: In this category, a love story is the main focus of the novella, and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic.

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